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Website maintenance

I keep your website secure and up-to-date

This is how I keep your website safe and up to date

Software updates

I always keep the software on your website up-to-date. This greatly reduces the risk of malicious parties exploiting potential security risks. It also gives you the version of the software with the most features.

Regular backups

A backup is a copy of your entire website, at a specific point in time. If something should ever go wrong, or you simply want to access an older version of your website, we can always revert back to that version.

Testing, testing, testing

I always incorporate changes into your website locally first. That means I have a version of your website that only runs on my machine, which is not connected to the internet. This way I can be sure that everything is running perfectly before the changes are put online.

Monthly payment

You get all this and more for a monthly fee, starting at 15€ per month. You can find out more on the pages of the packages.

Do you have more questions?

I would be happy to explain more in a phone call or via email. Message me.